jeudi 24 mars 2011

French Militaries!

August 23. 1987

At several occasions, Geneva Airport has served as a temporary base
for fighters and military transport aircraft, performing flying displays on
neighbouring airfields. Transall C-160 F-RAME is surrounded by the
Patrouille de France's Alphajets and two Mirage 2000s, whose took
part of Bex airshow.

July 25. 1987

One month earlier, the Patrouille de France was there too,
on display at nearby Annemasse. This time, the technical team
came with Transall C-160 F-RAGA (left) and Nord 262
F-RBAP (right). 

September 8. 1987

Police in turmoil on the General Aviation Center!
Normally, this kind of operation occurs on the South side
of the Airport, but in certain cases, the more "incognito"
aspect of the North side was prefered! Edge to edge:
Puma helicopter F-RAFR and Falcon 20 F-RAFM of
the COTAM (Commandement du Transport Aérien

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